Saturday, 9 July 2016

My First Ever Productive Holiday

For those who are too lazy to read all the way to the bottom, this is just a story about my holiday and what I desire to achieve for the next school year.

Hello Guys!
It's been a long time since the last time I wrote something here.
How have you guys been?

I'm gonna tell you guys some random things again.

I'm a sophomore in high school now, I have been spending this holiday with some pretty productive activities, Like studying. I was heartbroken when I got my report card last semester because I got a 75/100 on Math. I failed at keeping my grades above 85. At that moment, I realised that my dream of going to a good university is drifting further away. If I don't study properly, my chance will go *poof* , Because the chance of going to that university is already so thin for an ordinary student like me. And also, we don't have A-level courses or even A-level books here.

So I browsed the Internet and found edX and Khan Academy. I signed up for them immediately. The courses are quite interesting. It's a good thing they provide the transcripts because my laptop is broken and I can't play the videos. 

My mom tells me to just take it to the repair center but I'm afraid that it will take a long time and I can't do my homework that requires to be typed. But I'm saving up to buy a new one before going to university.

I''m planning on going to a university in Singapore because my town is only a 2 hours ferry to Singapore so I can go home once in a while, and the universities there have great reputation as well. I still haven't decided on a specific major yet because I haven't found my passion and talent but I'm going to find them in my remaining 2 years of school. 

I'll probably write more often to improve my English skill.

Thank you for reading this far.

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