Saturday, 31 January 2015

How To Use "Read More" Function in Blogger

ベル ベル Hey There ベル ベル

I'm posting again ニコニコ
Now I'm going to teach you how to use read more function in blogger
It's pretty simple actually にひひ


1.New Post

Create a new post or edit your previous post

2.Type your post and insert 'Jump Break'

It's the one between 'insert a video' and 'alignment'

3. Continue Your Post and Publish


Did you know?
You can change the "Read More" link text with another word
Here's how you do it

1.Go to "Layout"

2.Click "Edit" Blog Posts
A pop-up window will show up,
Change "Post Page Link Text"



  1. my first comment on this blog, WOHOOO
    btw do you know how to make an auto readmore on wordpress ?


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